Playful Negotiation
for Serious People
As a social business, Rational Games uses playful methods to teach negotiation in order to then support initiatives and individuals that make creative use of games and play to resolve conflict. We measure our success by the amount of time and money that we invest in curating innovative initiatives that make a clear contribution to this mission.
Mark Young at TEDxWHU
It was my privilege to tell our story at the TEDx Conference. We truly believe that the urge to play is greater than the urge to fight. In the talk, I explain how we are putting that into action.
Our business is built around three elements: negotiation training as a service, games and play as a unique way to provide that service and philanthropy as the reason we do what we do.
Negotiation Training​
We offer professional coaching and training services that make use of practical and playful approaches to develop win-win negotiation skills through real-world problem-solving experiences.

We seek strong partnerships with like-minded social businesses, foundations and private philanthropists who share our conflict-solving philosophy through the universal power of play and who can amplify our impact.
We develop proprietary games, applications and theatrical experiences that reinforce our practice of win-win negotiation and show our clients that they can take fun seriously.

Dr. Mark Young,
CEO of Rational Games Inc.
Each month, we muse about some aspect of negotiation, gamification or philanthropy and its effect on our work and world. Comments welcome!