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Our Grantee Program

Request for Information

The Rational Games Small Grant program is looking to identify new grantees for upcoming funding cycles in 2023 and 2024. We seek qualified organizations that make innovative use of games and play in the service of conflict resolution, negotiation or mediation. 


RGI Vision:  Rational Games, Inc. envisions a world free of violent conflict where differences are resolved through dialogue and negotiation.
RGI Mission:  Rational Games, Inc. seeks to find common ground and collective identity through the insights and delights of games, play and interaction.  We accomplish this by offering training and education which serve to fund and support such initiatives locally and globally.


RGI Values Statement:  The following values guide the work of Rational Games, Inc.:

  • We can add value by teaching conflict resolution skills to practitioners dealing with difficult situations in a variety of contexts

  • We seek to provide positive opportunities for dialogue to increase the possibility for win-win outcomes

  • RGI continually strives for innovative approaches to difficult and complex problems. 

  • In all of its work, RGI's priority is to do no harm. 


Grant Eligibility and Proposal Instructions

In general, Rational Games seeks partners for a 2-3 year relationship that demonstrate a commitment to utilizing games and play for conflict resolution, negotiation or mediation in their programming with a clear emphasis on practice rather than theory (no funding of conferences). Organizations submitting proposals must demonstrate a commitment to utilizing games and play for conflict resolution, negotiation or mediation in their programming. Successful grantees are asked to link to RGF on their websites and provide impact testimonials for the RGF website. 


Proposal Guidance

Please consider the following questions in your responses. 

  • In summary, expound on the history of your organization, its contributions to its community, its previous programs, the successes, challenges, or obstacles these programs encountered, and its experience in working in conflict resolution negotiation.

  • List the key implementation staff that will work on this proposed project. Provide individual’s name, professional position and contact information (telephone and e-mail).

  • Indicate your organization’s experience in negotiation/conflict mitigation programming or using negotiation/conflict mitigation and games/play to address a community or population need.

  • Explain, in detail, how the targeted population will benefit from the program and how the project addresses win-win resolutions in conflict mitigation.

  • Indicate how the project is in line with the objectives and mission statement of Rational Games how RGI technical expertise and how RGI products can be incorporated into the organization or the project.

  • Provide an implementation work plan for the project.

  • Describe what a 2-3 year strategic partnership with RGI would look like.

  • Indicate if the program is receiving other funding for this project. If so, please name the funding organization or individual and the funding level.

  • How would you use $10,000


Proposal Instructions

To be considered for funding under the Rational Games Small Grant program, proposed projects must meet the following requirements. Incomplete or late proposals will not be considered.  

  • Page limit: 1 page

  • Font: Times New Roman 11

  • Margins: 0.5” on all sides

  • All proposals must be in English. 



RFI Released: November 2022
RFI Due: March 1, 2023
Awards: Late 2023 and 2024

Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis until the deadline. 


Rational Games 

2022 Project Proposal

Name of Organization:    
Primary contact:
Primary contact email/phone:

Project title:
Project location:    

Total project cost:    
Total requested from Rational Games:    
Project focus areas:     

Date submitted:     


  • Describe the general activities of your organization and how they align with the RGI mission. 

  • How would you capitalize on a three-year relationship with RGI?

  • Provide a brief history of your organization. What is your target location and population served?

  • What will success look like for you each year and over the three-year engagement? How will it be measured?

  • What is the anticipated long-term impact (3yrs+) you believe will occur upon the successful completion of this project?

  • Alignment with Rational Games Foundation Priorities. (Please describe why you believe the goals of this project and/ or your organization directly relate to the funding priorities of the Rational Games Foundation?)

Complete Our Grantee Program Project Proposal Form

Thanks for submitting!We’ll get back to you shortly.

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